
Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:
LWV Utah Convention
Watch for more information on the LWV Utah Convention held bi-annual to celebrate the success and commit to the plans for the next two year period.

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:
LWV US Council
Council is an assembly of League leaders from each state and the national office held in alternate years to convention for leaders to give guidance to the national board and access development, training, and networking opportunities.
LWV US National Convention
League members are invited to attend National Convention as voting delegates or as observers. to learn more
Watch for more information.

General Meeting: 2025 Legislative Wrap-Up
The 2025 Utah Legislative Session wraps up this Friday with 600 House bills and 36 Senate bills introduced. The League identified key bills, and our Legislative Action Corps played a crucial role in observing committee meetings, providing testimony, and making our concerns heard. Join us as we review the session's highlights and lowlights with our Legislative Action Corps members: Lori Jones on Natural Resources, Helen Moser on Voting, Cindy Phillips on Education, and Linda Smith on Judiciary. This event is open to the public, so feel free to invite friends and neighbors. Register now!
Do you have a question?
We would like to speak to bills of interest to you. Please use this link to submit questions prior to the event. Questions may also be submitted in the meeting.
Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

2025 Legislative Preview
Join the League of Women Voters and the American Association of University Women to find out what's coming up from the 2025 Utah Legislature. We will be talking about issues that are important to you, the public, and how you can take part in our democracy. The 2025 Genera Session begins January 21.
Senator Luz Escamilla (D) District 10
Representative Melissa G Ballard (R) District 20
Representative Angelia Romero (D) District 25
Representative Ray Ward (R) District 19
Moderator: Laura Jones, KRCL
Register for the event at:

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

National Voter Registration Day
National Voter Registration Day is an annual nonpartisan campaign to register hundreds of thousands of voters in communities and online. Embraced a host of celebrities, bipartisan elected officials and organizations, NVRD leverages the collective impact of thousands of community partners, including hundreds of League of Women Voters groups, nationwide, every year.
Utah Board Meeting
Virtual meeting of the LWV Utah Board. If you would like to be on the agenda or attend the meeting, please email:

The 2024 ballot will have three ballot measures. LWV of Utah is brining together knowledgeable speakers to discuss the ballot measures regarding education funding.
State School Fund Distribution Cap Increase Amendment Increases the annual distributions from the State School Fund for public education from 4% to 5%.
Constitutional Requirements for Education Funding Amendment Removes a provision from the state constitution providing that all revenue from income taxes or taxes on intangible property be used to support children and individuals with a disability and to support public and higher education systems.
Join us on Monday, September 9, 6 p.m. Link to meeting
Dixie Heufner, Utah Citizens' Council
Andrea Brandley, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute
Billy Hesterman, Utah Tax Payers’ Association
Robert Gehrke, The Salt Lake Tribune

Today, the Utah Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the citizens of Utah have the right to reform their government through voter initiatives. This means our lawsuit challenging the Legislature's gerrymandered congressional maps will be heard in District Court. Additionally, our challenge to the Legislature's modification of the redistricting initiative, Proposition 4, will also proceed.
Join the League of Women Voters, MWEG, our individual plaintiffs, and Better Boundaries to celebrate the power of the people.
Event Details: Location: Utah State Capitol Rotunda
Date: TODAY, July 11
Time: 3:00 PM
Let's come together to celebrate this significant victory for democracy and the rights of Utah's citizens.

LWV of Davis Meet and Greet
Topic: Voter Registration / Alternative Voting Methods
Location TBA

Join our panel as we discuss alternative voting methods, how they can change politics, and implementation safeguards.
Nate Allen, Executive Director, Utah Approves
Kelleen Potter, Executive Director, Utah Ranked Choice Voting
Brian McKenzie, Davis County Clerk
Watch the recording:
Legislative Action Corps members are encouraged to meet at the Capitol during the Legislative Session, 2024. Members may also join any of our planning/discussion meetings virtually. The link for the virtual meeting will be provided closer to the date.
If you are interested in joining the Legislative Action Corps, please email:
11:00-3:00 p.m., Kletting Room, East Senate
On-line meeting information to be posted.
For more information email: