Our Program

  • Voting Rights

    Improving Elections

    Campaign Finance/Money in Politics


    Direct Election of the President by Popular Vote

    Utilize and promote LWVUT VOTE411.org platform.

  • Promote Diversity Equity & Inclusion through LWV Utah

    Identify partnership organizations to work with at the state and local levels that will grow DEI in the LWV of Utah.

    Advocate for DEI supportive public policy.

  • Promote Healthy Inclusive Education System

    Identify partnerships to create a coalition of stakeholders (state and local organizations, students, families, educators, legal professionals, healthcare providers, civic leaders, and faith communities) across Utah to champion honest education and affirm cultures and identity in the classroom. Solicit input and feedback from partners and allies, prioritize diverse perspectives and experiences, and commit to learning and growing to advance our work.

    Advocate for equitable, quality public education funding, ensuring access to high quality teaching, current learning materials, in-school health care and nutritional food.

  • Promote social and economic justice, secure equal rights for all, and combat

    discrimination and poverty.

    Monitor and promote justice reinvestment including sentencing reform, drug courts to reduce incarceration rates, programs to prepare inmates to successfully return to society, expanding mental health treatment and parole reform.

    Continue advocacy for the Equal Rights Amendment.

    Utah League supports programs, services, policies and funding at all levels of government to expand the supply of affordable quality child care for all who need it, in order to increase access to employment and to prevent and reduce poverty.

  • Promote a sustainable lifestyle to preserve a Utah environment beneficial to life, emphasizing air quality, energy issues, transportation, public land, water, seismic issues, and climate change.

    Utilize the 2023 Current Water Issues in Utah Report to educate membership and the public on manageable actions to secure a balance of Utah’s water supply and demand.

    Develop briefing material and education on clean energy in Utah.

  • Promote Reproductive Rights and Justice

    Support access to women’s health care and the individual’s right to privacy in determining their own reproductive decisions, including abortion. Continue to serve as an ally of reproductive rights organizations.

  • Monitor as Needed:

    Monitor processes for selecting candidates for state offices.

    Monitor activities of the Inland Port Authority.

    Monitor Utah’s citizen initiative process.

    Monitor the Utah Boards and Commissions work in the legislature.

    Promote community awareness of healthcare with focus on Medicaid expansion.

  • The Status of Utah’s Reproductive Health Care in 2024 following the passage of HB 467 Abortion Changes. (LWVUS Public Policy on Reproductive Choices).

    Consensus study on the impact on public education as a result of the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program, following the passage of HB215 Funding for Teacher Salaries and Optional Educational Opportunities.

    Briefing on the status of affordable, quality child care for all who need it in Utah to increase access to employment and to prevent and reduce poverty.

    Educational webinars:

    Citizen’s Right to Know: Changes to Utahn’s access to public records.

    Alternate Voting Methods: Ranked Choice Voting, Approval Voting, and others.

    2024 Ballot Measures:

    • Elections of County Sherriffs Amendments

    • State School Fund Distribution Cap Increase Amendment

    • Constitutional Requirements for Education Funding Amendment

  • Continue advocacy for the Equal Rights Amendment.

  • Promote a sustainable lifestyle to preserve a Utah environment beneficial to life, emphasizing air quality, energy issues, transportation, public land, water, seismic issues, and climate change.

  • As an ally of reproductive rights organizations, we know that safe access to health care, including abortion, is essential to our democracy. The League of Women Voters will continue to stand in solidarity with all who fight to protect reproductive freedom.

  • The League of Women Voters believes that democratic government depends upon informed and active participation in government and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen’s right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, holding open meetings, and making public records accessible.